
Industrial automation, MES / MOM-solutions,
building automation, system integration
and implementation of high technologies –
Silogic Group opens up opportunities.
We are changing the understanding
of development, efficiency and comfort

Промышленная автоматизация, MES/MOM-решения, автоматизация зданий, системная интеграция и внедрение высоких технологий – Silogic Group открывает возможности. Мы меняем представления о развитии, эффективности и комфорте

Industrial automation

Automation of technological processes – creation of new and modernization of existing control systems. Increasing production efficiency is the result of the optimal distribution of material, energy and information flows. By offering engineering, programming, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, Silogic Group specialists update the indicators of efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety.


Manufacturing execution system и Manufacturing Operations Management it is a transition to the next level. MES / MOM solutions connect the engineering and manufacturing divisions, emphasizing management. Manufacturing planning, resource allocation control, performance statistics, manual operations and stock management are examples of enterprise needs. The Silogic Group, Brighteye's official MES / MOM system integrator, provides answers to questions of coordination, synchronization and quality control.

Building automation

Today BMS solutions of the Silogic Group are used for office centres, hotel complexes and residential buildings. Centralized or distributed control is planned according to Siemens algorithms and individual vision.  Connection via standardized protocols KNX, Modbus, Bacnet broadens the choice of equipment manufacturers. Receiving data, setting the necessary parameters, switching to economy mode and clear visualization – control is carried out by a dispatcher with the possibility of remote control.

System integration

Managing technological equipment and monitoring without human intervention, combining automated systems and information technology – these are the tasks of a system integrator. System engineering services and programming equipment for process automation are in demand by all types of industries. Completed projects are updated on Silogic Group pages, the official Siemens system integrator. Up-to-date solutions are available upon request.

Промышленные информационные

Цифровизация меняет представление о системах управления. Кроме знания языков программирования логических контроллеров, необходим опыт использования актуальных подходов и продуктов в области IT. Современные системы предполагают использование сетей Industrial Ethernet, промышленных компьютеров и серверов, баз данных и облачных сервисов. Проекты Silogic Group – это всегда нечто большее: каждая система обладает индивидуальностью и отвечает высоким требованиям кибербезопасности.

Industrial information technologies

Digitalization is changing the concept of control systems. Along with knowledge of programming languages for logic controllers, experience in using current approaches and products in the field of IT is required. Contemporary systems involve the use of Industrial Ethernet networks, industrial computers and servers, databases and cloud services. Silogic Group projects are always bit more: each system has its own individuality and meets high cybersecurity requirements.


Successful achievements in all industries enable Silogic Group professionals to transfer, adapt and implement the most advanced technologies. For large equipment manufacturers, we provide a progressive team of automation experts, favourable terms of cooperation and the best customer recommendations. The creation, support and development of industrial control systems is our common path to innovation.

The high quality of the Silogic Group's work is confirmed by a long-term partnership with Siemens in the status of System Integrator. A license for the construction of facilities with a class of consequences CC2, a permit to perform work of increased danger for installations with voltages up to 35 kV are available here.

Silogic Group LLC

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